SIM PLIC I TY/ sim’plisede /noun-the quality or condition of being easy to understand or do. 

Habits and Self Care help to create Simplicity in one’s life.  Did you ever think to yourself, “A Buddhist Monk seems to have a life of peace and tranquility and if I could just have that without being one!”  Well, maybe you haven’t, but peace of mind may be on the top of your list.  Keeping it simple allows us to find more time in our day by knowing how not to add stress.  Stress is by far the quickest and most powerful destroyer of health and well-being.  It adds to our middle, making us apple-shaped.  It causes more physical trauma than poor eating or lack of exercise. 

Stress  is the opposite of SIMPLICITY..  It is duplicity.  Someone who is duplicitous is almost like two people, saying one thing but then doing something very different, even contradictory.  Choose to find ways to make your life more simple.  You can start with a Personal Assistant, someone like me, who can provide an easier and faster way to get things done.  Invest in yourself and there will be more leftovers for the people in your life or the dreams you have yet to make a reality!